Sleep Apnea Q & A
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a condition in which your air passage has blockages that restrict air flow while you sleep. Not getting enough oxygen at night can cause you to gasp or choke for air, or snore loudly, waking you up repeatedly when you try to sleep.
With sleep apnea your body, and brain, are not getting the sleep they need to function properly. The condition can drain you of energy during the daytime, keeping you from feeling your best at work, school, or in social situations.
How do I know if I have sleep apnea?
The most common causes of sleep apnea are obesity and enlarged tonsils that lead to airway blockages. Other risk factors, such as genetic susceptibility and medical conditions, such as a deviated septum, can also lead to sleep apnea.
How is sleep apnea treated?
First, Dr. Chace evaluates your sleep apnea symptoms. She will talk to you about the signs you’re noticing, examine your medical history, and ask questions about certain lifestyle habits.
Dr. Chace will also help screen for sleep apnea symptoms by pinpointing some habits that can exacerbate the condition, such as smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, or misusing sleeping pills. Many patients with sleep apnea also have acid reflux which contributes to tooth wear and decay. We also see more clenching and grinding in our apnea patients.
If sleep apnea is the problem, Dr. Chace and the team at Gentle Dental Associates provides custom-made mandibular advancement devices to treat the condition if a patient dislikes using a CPAP. These oral appliances are worn at night to shift your jaw forward. By pushing your lower jaw forward, this helps expand your air passageway, reducing the number of breathing interruptions while you sleep.
Snoring can affect not only your life, but also your spouse. We can help you with snoring with our laser. A procedure called Nightlase can help the throat from vibrating. We also can guide you toward a night time appliance to stop snoring.
To schedule an appointment at Gentle Dental Associates, call the office today or use the online booking tool.
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